Baka (Idiot)

May 7, 2017 10:37
Today I would like to talk about the word "baka."

"Baka" means a stupid thing/person or a person who has low intelligence.

This word is often used when you tease or flame someone.

There are several theories about the etymology of "bala," but the most widely accepted theory is something like the following:

"Baka" comes from "bakuka," which is a transcription of the Sanskrit word "moha," meaning "fool."

On the other hand, there is another theory: "baka" comes from "bakamono" ("mono" means "person"), and it comes from "wakamono," which means "young person."

Anyway, please be careful when using this word.




語源は諸説ありますが、サンスクリット語で「愚か」を意味する "moha" の音写「莫迦(ばくか)」から来ている説が有力です。


No. 1 azza3695's correction
  • This word is often used when you tease or flame someone.
  • This word is often used when you tease or flame someone.
     annoy may be better
Thank you so much for the correction! :)
Sorry, I misunderstood the meaning of "to flame."
I wanted to say "~を罵倒する (bato suru) / 罵る (nonoshiru)," and according to my dictionary, it's "abuse someone," "curse at someone," "revile against someone," or "swear at someone."
No. 2 Oceansea's correction
  • This word is often used when you tease or flame someone.
  • This word is often used when you tease or flame someone.
     I'm not familiar with the phrase "flame someone."

    Maybe, "make angry?" or "annoy?" or "irratate?"
You hear this word constantly in anime.
Thank you so much for letting me know the terms! :)
> You hear this word constantly in anime.
Indeed, one of main characters in most anime is definitely baka, haha.
Sorry, I misunderstood the meaning of "to flame."
I wanted to say "~を罵倒する (bato suru) / 罵る (nonoshiru)," and according to my dictionary, it's "abuse someone," "curse at someone," "revile against someone," or "swear at someone."
No. 3 南蛮人's correction
  • Today I would like to talk about the word "baka."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Baka" means a stupid thing/person or a person who has low intelligence.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • This word is often used when you tease or flame someone.
  • This word is often used when you tease or flame trigger someone.
     flame is unusual in this context...
  • There are several theories about the etymology of "bala," but the most widely accepted theory is something like the following:
  • There are several theories about the etymology of "baka," but the most widely accepted theory is something like the following:
  • "Baka" comes from "bakuka," which is a transcription of the Sanskrit word "moha," meaning "fool."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • On the other hand, there is another theory: "baka" comes from "bakamono" ("mono" means "person"), and it comes from "wakamono," which means "young person."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Anyway, please be careful when using this word.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)
Sorry, I misunderstood the meaning of "to flame."
I wanted to say "~を罵倒する (bato suru) / 罵る (nonoshiru)," and according to my dictionary, it's "abuse someone," "curse at someone," "revile against someone," or "swear at someone."
Then "insult" is the right word in my opinion.
Thank you for sharing it! :)
You probably used "flame" because of this:
Yes, according to my dictionary, "flame" has the meaning of "罵倒する" in electronic bulletin boards or e-mail.
There was the following example sentence:
Please don't flame me if you disagree with this